Management API

Base Resource URL:[reseller-code]/adjustments


Represents information about scheduled adjustments and fees for reseller statements.

Supported Actions:

Method:  GET       Implicit:  Yes       Returns:  ResellerScheduledAdjustment *      
Consumes:  xurl  Produces:  json, xml 
Returns list of adjustments based on specified search criteria.

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 offset Integer No 0 Index of the first record returned to the customer from the search result of a web search.
02 limit Integer No 100 Maximum number of records to load per single search web call made by the customer.
03 id Long No Adjustment ID used for filtering adjustment records.
04 adjustmentCode String No Adjustment code used for filtering adjustment records.
05 effectiveDateFrom Date No The starting effective date for filtering adjustment records; only records dated from this specific date onwards are included.
06 effectiveDateTo Date No The concluding effective date for filtering adjustment records; only records up to and through this specified date are included.
07 createDateFrom Date No The starting create date for filtering adjustment records; only records dated from this specific date onwards are included.
08 createDateTo Date No The concluding create date for filtering adjustment records; only records up to and through this specified date are included.
09 status String No Status of the adjustment used for filtering adjustment records.

Method:  POST       Implicit:  Yes       Returns:  ResellerScheduledAdjustment *      
Consumes:  xurl  Produces:  json, xml 
Creates new or updates an existing adjustment.

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 adjustmentCode String No Unique adjustment ID supplied by external/user's system.
02 adjustmentCl String No F Type of the adjustment.
03 effectiveDate Date No Current date Date when the adjustment becomes effective.
04 amount Integer Yes Amount (in cents) of the adjustment.
05 status String No N Status of the adjustment in the system.
06 length Integer No Number of times that the adjustment is applied to a reseller (gets included in reseller statements).
07 description String No Any additional details associated with the adjustment.